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Lake Maggiore: for a very romantic wedding

Lake Maggiore is a unique place, a true natural beauty, also thanks to the complex of the Borromean Islands set in the lake like small emeralds. True mini paradises which, since the 16th century, were a possession of the noble Milanese Borromeo family, who built princely residences surrounded by elegant gardens, full of very rare exotic plants and flowers of extraordinary beauty.

Lake Maggiore is also characterized by cities and towns rich in history and culture, where you can "breathe" the scent of the Belle Epoque, thanks to the presence of numerous structures typical of the period.

Many local churches and town halls are available to celebrate religious or civil weddings but you can also decide to celebrate your union on one of the islands or in one of the prestigious hotels or enchanting villas overlooking the lake.

In short, you will be spoiled for choice to find the most suitable location for your wedding!

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