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Religious Marriage

... and here you arrive in the churchyard, the doors are wide open, everyone is waiting for you, the excitement skyrockets, in the distance the first notes of the wedding march... and he is there, in front of the altar waiting for you!!! In a few minutes you will be husband and wife and you will consecrate your love before God!

Getting married in Church is a sacrament and expressing your desire to love each other and live together for life, promising it before God, is a very strong gesture, with a very important religious value.

The ceremony in the Church always has a particular charm and, if well organised, can be truly special.

Etiquette requires a whole series of rules that must be followed carefully and not only will I help you ensure that they are all respected, but I will give you advice on how you can make your ritual unique, in order to create a ceremony that everyone will carry with them. Heart.

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