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  • AdminEllo


If I ask you what kind of relationship you have with your “4-legged friend”, surely, for those who love them like me, you would answer that they are an integral part of the family.

So, when it comes to experiencing one of the most important moments of your life, it is natural that you want to share this moment with him too!

So, what do you think about extending the guest list and having “Fido” by your side too?

I am sure that it would be perfect for many of you.

For me, it was and I would never have accepted the idea of ​​getting married without them

The important thing is, like every aspect of wedding planning, to organize yourself in the best way to ensure both you and your pet, the success of the day!

Also because, that wonderful furry little puppy full of joy, who has always been by your side during the ups and downs of your life and your relationship, for some is the most important participant, for others, however, he is just a dog! Maybe not even that welcome…

So here are some suggestions for peacefully enjoying your Fido on your wedding day.



Before taking any steps, you should check whether the location you have chosen for your wedding allows dogs or not. Some locations will be more than happy to open their doors to them, others will only allow you to keep them outside (which would be perfect for an outdoor wedding but, what about a Plan B?) and others will not even allow them to enter.

So, I recommend choosing a 100% #petfriendly location, to avoid any kind of problem.

But not only that! Also evaluate the spaces carefully: the day will be long and it will need to have green spaces available, where they can go for walks or nice runs, to let off steam a bit!

Wedding venues in the city center and indoor weddings, with little or no outdoor space, may not be the best place for your dog to spend an entire day.

Furthermore, I always strongly advise my spouses to choose a location with a support room available, not only for themselves (for the backstage of the bride or of the groom) but also for their 4-legged friend. In this way, Fido will be able to have a “refuge” both for a moment of tranquility, if he gets too stressed among so many people, and for a bit of refreshment, in case of excessively high temperatures, thus avoiding keeping him in the heat, under the sun, all day.



Obviously yes! but there are some things you should consider.

Regardless of whether the location (or the Municipality or the Church) allows you to bring him, as far as the ceremony is concerned, it is important to check that the civil registrar, or the celebrant, or the parish priest, are also happy and comfortable in his presence.

If everything is ok, you can decide to "enlist" Fido to carry the rings or choose him as a "companion" along the aisle or, again, not assign him any formal role, and simply watch him wander around, with his usual adorable little face!

Whichever idea you choose, having a professional to take care of him will be the ideal solution.

For example, if he gets too nervous, the dog-sitter can come to your aid and push him away, calming him down and taking him with him to the back of the ceremony area or, taking him for a little walk while waiting for your arrival. I'd say excellent, don't you think?


As just mentioned, I strongly recommend that you hire a "dog-sitter" to take care of your furry friend for the whole day.

It is obviously possible to identify, among the guests, a "trusted lover" of dogs, who perhaps Fido already knows and is familiar with but, it might not be the best solution. As nice as it may be, it would not be so nice to “force” one of your guests to take care of him, not being able to fully enjoy your wedding experience.

Also, if your dog gets stressed easily in unfamiliar situations or suffers from anxiety or becomes aggressive with people he doesn’t know, all the more reason to seriously consider hiring a reputable professional, so that, for that day, your family and all your friends can simply relax!

Not all of our 4-legged friends are used to large groups of people and, having someone, who is not an essential part of your wedding, as his caretaker, will significantly improve both your day and his.

The companion will be fully equipped to meet his every need, with his well-being as the top priority.

He will take him for walks. He will run, play, have fun, eat, drink and even rest and relax at the right time.



Your dogs need to be entertained and most of them won’t just want to “hang around” for hours and hours during the reception.

Bring along their favorite toys, food, bowls, snacks, blanket or kennel to make sure they have everything and feel comfortable at all times.

But don’t worry, if you hire a dog-sitter, you will have their support in this too and will suggest everything your friend might need, to ensure that he, too, fully enjoys your big day.


As mentioned before, some guests will be very happy to see your dog wandering around during the wedding but others, perhaps, won’t show all this love or it could also be that some of the guests, or the staff of the venue or the suppliers are allergic or, again, afraid.

So remember to inform them in advance, so they can take the appropriate extra measures, such as taking antihistamine tablets and/or being aware of his presence and keeping the right distance.



Our furry friends are, in a way, like children: unpredictable! By bringing Fido to your wedding, you accept the fact that he may not be a sweet, perfectly behaved little angel all day (and that’s okay, believe me!).

Just make sure you know how to manage your expectations of him and take it easy and laugh when something doesn’t go exactly as planned.

For example, you may have spent a few extra euros on your “floral budget” to create a beautiful flower collar, but Fido may shake it off in a few minutes!

Or, he may run up to you and jump into your arms, as soon as he sees you arrive at the end of the aisle, all dressed up, in your beautiful clothes!

Even the best-behaved dog, in exceptional emotional conditions and/or stress, can become disobedient, so it is important to know it beforehand, laugh about it and enjoy the moment as it comes, without worrying too much and without expecting a perfect performance! After all, unplanned and spontaneous situations are always the best!!!


Ultimately, when you make the decision to bring your puppy to your wedding, you have to look at that day through his eyes. The fact that he is there with you is a fantastic thing, but it has to work on a practical level not only for you, but also for your guests and, above all, for him.

If you love your Fido and are thinking of bringing him with you to your wedding but still have doubts, contact me and let's talk about it!

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