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  • AdminEllo

2024/2025 Wedding Trends

In fashion, as in other sectors, there has always been a series of trends that over the years "make immense turns and then return"!... conforming to the various changes in society and the times in which we live.

Following a trend means imitating a "something", which is proposed by "someone", and which has the peculiarity of spreading on a large scale in a short time, and then lasting for months or even years.This, however, does not mean that we are obliged to follow the new trend in all respects, we can also simply draw inspiration from it and customize it to our liking, based on our characteristics.

Every trend, even in weddings, follows certain "rules" that distinguish it and frame it in a very specific but, as I said before, absolutely customizable style! Since marriage is a subjective event, which must reflect the desires, tastes and needs of individuals with different personalities from each other, it is impossible to "standardise" it, on the contrary: absolutely be wary of anyone who will offer you "ready-to-use" clichés! !!The important thing is to "extrapolate" ideas from which to draw inspiration to define the style that best represents you. This will make it easier to choose the most suitable suppliers to realize your wedding project, as you have imagined it.

So get ready to be amazed by the 2024/2025 wedding trends!


ricevimento luxury wedding


The luxury wedding is a must which, after a few years of shyness (due to the post-Covid difficulties), is back in great vogue, taking center stage among the 2024/2025 wedding trends. The fusion of the classic style with the modern one gives life to wonderful, fairy-tale scenography.

This trend is much loved by couples who love pomp and luxury. Among the different couples, there are those who want to show off without sparing expense and those who, on the other hand, prefer to avoid excess, choosing only a few decorative elements of great value and impact, deliberately surrounded by simple details, which enhance their prestige.

The color palette does not follow a precise rule. What matters is that the shades chosen are in perfect harmony with the colors of the context, often combined with gold details and/or the transparency of the crystals.

Flowers are the protagonists of the scene: floral cascades, flowered chandeliers and Arabian Nights compositions, with very little or even non-existent foliage.

In short, the setting must make you feel immersed in a fairy tale and the most suitable scenarios are medieval castles, period villas and historic homes to be illuminated in an exquisite way, to make the atmosphere even more magical.


ricevimento matrimonio minimalista

The minimalist wedding is the most contemporary trend. The style is decidedly modern and refined and the watchword is "sobriety". But, be careful! Minimalism does not mean poor, but essential: every stylistic choice is carefully considered and studied down to the smallest details, creating a "clean" and elegant environment.

This trend is ideal for couples with a strong and, at the same time, discreet personality.

The color palette is made up of pastel colours, combined with white, some intense nuances and chrome details.

Even the floral arrangement remains faithful to the mood: the compositions are linear and simple, without excess. One of the latest trends is the use of dried flowers to be used alone or combined with classic cut flowers.

The ideal location could be a modern structure in total white or, if you are good at creating the right combinations, even an ancient residence.



natural wedding ricevimento

Among the 2024/2025 wedding trends we find the natural wedding.

The mood is to highlight the beauty of nature, embracing "romantic" styles such as country-chic or boho chic with a démodé touch.

Couples who choose this style have a "gentle" and at the same time non-conformist soul.

The color palette follows the shades of the surrounding environment and the seasonality of nature itself which, being the protagonist, suggests the choice. Softer nuances and with different shades for spring and winter or warmer, intense and contrasting shades for summer and autumn. The solution with a predominance of white together with the chosen nuonaces or even a total white combined with different shades of green is increasingly popular.

The floral decorations, with an apparently wild appearance, are instead the result of an accurate and meticulous floral design project, which reproduces a "decomposed" nature rich in foliage, aimed at transmitting lightness and informality to the environment.

The ideal setting: any type of location immersed in the greenery of nature or, alternatively, by the sea, and where every detail follows the style of the wedding, in an almost uncontaminated context.


ricevimento matrimonio sostenibile

The sustainable wedding is an increasingly current trend, which combines a rustic style with a "fine palate" taste. Choosing to organize a sustainable wedding means choosing to put nature and the environment first, respecting them in every way, in every choice that is made.

This eco-friendly trend is suitable for couples who care about health and respect for the environment.

The colors of the earth dominate, as do its elements: raw wood mixes with vegetation, embracing natural fabrics such as cotton, canvas and jute with natural ecru, white or ivory nuances.

Even the floral choice is influenced by the mood of the wedding: zero environmental impact! The centerpieces structured with compositions of flowers grown in greenhouses and cut, give way to very pretty vases of wildflowers, embellished with handmade decorative elements.

Farmhouses, large farms and farmsteads, decorated with rows of outdoor lights, are the perfect locations for a wedding inspired by this trend.

And you? Which is your style? Contact me for any questions on the topic or just for some advice!

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